System: Roaming Rumours of Resistance
Project: RRR @Openspace @Radio Robida
Date: 26 till 29 October 2023
During our four-day program, online on Radio Robida and on-site at openspace.innsbruck, we invited a hybrid public to join us for reading, listening, making and sharing. Throughout the first three days, we were reading aloud German and English texts from authors Donna Haraway, Isabelle Fremeaux, Jay Jordan, Laura Freudenthaler, Robin Wall Kimmerer and Ursula K. Le Guin. These texts all dealt in different ways with narrative making in times of crises. Reading and sharing them allowed us to investigate, what stories tell itself through our words and actions; what (other) stories are needed; and how we can begin to tell these other stories. In parallel, we were embroidering on a large linen fabric to digest the readings with our hands and review them in mutual exchange. Thus, a visual landscape, situational knowledge and an archive of texts had been co-created as a foundation for our work on the radio and the narratives we might share through it. On the last day, we presented our Feral Budget, a scheme for holistic accounting that sheds light on invisible work, hidden resources, and secret collaborators. To conclude the program, we were guiding listeners through our participatory “songs of resistance” playlist, with music from all genres and epochs, before ending the night around homemade food and drinks.
More info:
Key collaborators: Juri Velt
- Brigitte Egger, “Widerständigkeit erforschen: Im Gemeinsamen Sticken und Geschichtenerzählen”, published by Komplex Kulturmagazin
Funded by: Magic Carpets European Platform Project
Images: Uchie Ivan Okello