Project: Thur- und Neckerweg
Date: 2023 till 2025
Dogo Residenz für Neue Kunst invited me to curate five permanent, site-specific artworks in public space at five different locations along the rivers Thur and Necker in the region of Toggenburg, Kanton St. Gallen, Switzerland. The artworks will become part of the "Thur- und Neckerweg" - a new network of hiking paths through forests, meadows and rural villages that is currently in the making. More updates will follow!
More info:
Key collaborators: Hanes Sturzenegger, Maura Kressig, Lisa Mazza (BAU - Institute for Contemporary Art and Ecology), Ursula Badrutt Schoch
Funded by:
- Kultur Toggenburg
- Kanton St.Gallen Kulturförderung / Swisslos
Roles: Curator
Images: Hanes Sturzenegger